Musique ! (1) coup de projecteur sur “Songs in the key of life” de Stevie Wonder

songsinthekeyoflifeJ’avais prévu une catégorie “Music” quand j’ai mis en place la nouvelle version de ce blog, mais pas encore ou rarement utilisée. Il faut donc réparer ceci et j’ai décidé de publier ici une ou deux fois par semaine, un coup de projecteur, plus ou moins long, sur un album ou un titre, ou un artiste, que j’apprécie particulièrement. Attention, ça va être éclectique et pas toujours électrique ! de Cure à Schubert, en passant par Moderat et Stevie Wonder !

Quand Stevie Wonder sort “Songs in the key of life”, en 1976, il a 26 ans. Pourtant c’est loin d’être un album du début. Car Stevie a commencé jeune, très jeune, en s’incrustant dans les studios d’enregistrement, alors qu’il maîtrisait déjà plusieurs instruments et chantait dans une chorale. En fait il a sorti son premier album à… 11 ans ! (“Little Stevie Wonder”, véridique)

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A first look at Collabora/LibreOffice online (and a little bit of frustration)

Recently, I read a blog article by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols about an initiative from Collabora, an “Open Source consulting” firm, OwnCloud, an Open Source Cloud solution and the well-known LibreOffice office suite (actually a fork of, which itself is a fork of StarOffice), to release an online version of LibreOffice. Finally!

Obviously, I was intrigued…

Continue reading “A first look at Collabora/LibreOffice online (and a little bit of frustration)”

Mandrake, Mandriva, Mageia, OpenMandriva… FOSS is FOSS!

Yesterday we learned that Mandriva, the company, was shutting down. I read a lot of sad comments on Twitter about it and realized that few of those guys seemed to be aware that actually Mandriva, the company, wasn’t doing a Linux distribution anymore for several years. The Mandriva Linux distribution, which earlier forked as PCLinuxOS, Mageia and others, is now OpenMandriva.

And as someone tweeted it, “FOSS is FOSS”. True!
That’s the power of FOSS that projects keep alive, and that’s the reason why I think that creating Mandrake Linux 17 years ago was not totally losing my time.

Now, we don’t have to be sad: we have pushed Linux to massive adoption and these have been awesome years! Now the Linux kernel is running millions smartphones worldwide, but the story is only starting! Let’s focus on today’s IT concerns: privacy and the Google hegemony. And a lot more fun stuff actually! Want to be part of it?

Gaël Duval – interested in Open Source, mobile operating systems and data privacy? Follow me on Twitter!

iPhone 6 preview…

Apple, if the iPhone 6 is looking like that, I think I’ll give you more Euros (after iPhone 1, 3G and 4…). But if you keep on releasing an horrible one like the iPhone 5 that is way TOO LONG (reminds me of some old Nokias…), I’ll give up with Apple and switch to Samsung.