Will the European Cyber Resilience Act kill Open Source Software?

The European Union’s proposed Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) aims to bolster cybersecurity across the continent. However, it has sparked significant concern within the open source software community. Critics argue that the CRA could impose increased legal and financial responsibilities on open source contributors, potentially stifling innovation and damaging the open source ecosystem. Furthermore, the legislation’s vulnerability disclosure requirements could inadvertently expose software vulnerabilities to a larger audience, increasing the risk of malicious exploitation. This article delves into the potential implications of the CRA for open source software and the broader digital landscape in Europe.

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Declaration of Duties of Man and Citizen.

Let’s work together for a better world?

Introducing the Declaration of Duties of Man and Citizen, a complementary document to the Declaration of Human Rights, emphasizing our responsibilities and obligations.

#DeclarationOfDuties #HumanRights #responsibility #GPT4

Article 1: All human beings have the duty to respect the dignity, freedom, and equality of their fellow human beings, without distinction of race, sex, religion, or social origin.

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Leaving Apple & Google – Murena & /e/OS roadmap for 2023 and beyond

This year marks the 5th year since I started the /e/OS project! And we have gone from a few articles about the inital intention to a smartphone OS and a private cloud used by tens of thousands of users.

/e/OS has become the leading daily-driver OS for everyone who wants to keep full control of their personal data without sacrificing usability. Of course, we could slow down the development since the product has reached a very high level of usability with /e/OS V1 release last year. But we believe we can go even further!

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From #LLM regulation to Pizzas: the #reflexiveGPT agent experiment

I did a quick experiment having #GPT chat with itself as Alice and Bob…

At each step, agent Alice answers agent Bob (and vice versa) along with the reinjection of recent context.

I made the discussion start by questionning about the need to regulate AI Large Language Models:

Video excerpt below + thread…

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“Why a European mobile operating system can’t challenge Android and iOS”

In a pretty long article published on March 24th at “TheNextWeb”, /e/OS was lucky enough to be highlighted as a proof of “why a a European mobile operating system can’t challenge Android and iOS”.

The full article is mostly FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) and I like it because when you reach that level of argumentation, it means that some people are concerned.

Let’s have a look more specifically at some comments from this industry analyst Jan Stryjak…

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/e/OS & Murena websites

Last week, we discovered that our two main websites had been supressed from the Google search engine for more than one year. Although this doesn’t seem to hurt us a lot (we get thousands links from external websites), and although it’s quite fun to extend our “geGooglisation” to being totally out from Google Search, we realize that, besides the misconfiguration of some of our web servers, we have to care about our “SEO” (Search Engine Optimization) at some point.

What is also important is to be transparent about our websites URLs, so that people can put the correct links to them. This is really the most helpful practise that brings new users and let them discover what we do.

So today, what we have is the following websites:

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Murena & /e/OS — a product roadmap for 2022: towards our V1?

It’s interesting to have a look back at our past year roadmap: most of the features we announced are either done or close to be completed, which is not too bad! The two things that have shown very little progress are the Smart Assistant project, and the energy efficiency project.

For others items, we have started to introduce better compatibility with Android applications (SafetyNet support), first for the stable devices, and later, progressively, for as many supported smartphones as possible…

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