Huawei and other mobile “tech giants”: you should (really) break free from Google/Android

In short: Google-free Android, progressive web apps: there is a big opportunity in the mobile world for market disruption.

Today we learned that Huawei won’t be able to ship Android any more on their smartphones, with likely severe consequences for their mobile device business.

Continue reading “Huawei and other mobile “tech giants”: you should (really) break free from Google/Android”

First smartphone with /e/ OS!

After a lilttle than 1 year of hard work, I’m very proud to announce that the first fully ungoogled Android smartphone on the market will be ready to ship in next June!

This will be high-grade refurbished smartphones, in limited quantities, so don’t wait to register!

Read all the details online here.

Leaving Apple & Google: How is /e/ actually Google-free?

Yesterday, the privacy-focused /e/ mobile ecosystem that we have been developing for one year, has been covered at InfoSec Handbook, with a focus on privacy concerns and on the actual “de-googlisation” of the system.

The author raised some concerns, and concluded that “While /e/ looks promising, it isn’t Google-free by now.”

Continue reading “Leaving Apple & Google: How is /e/ actually Google-free?”

From Sovereign operating systems to the Sovereign digital chain

Several years ago I read about some intiatives to build a “Sovereign operating system”. Quickly I realized that, at the age of Internet, it was a depecrated idea and a total non-sense, and instead I started to talk about the idea of the “Sovereign digital chain”.

I developed the concept in a chapter of this book “Reflections on Programming Systems” that was published in 2019 at Springer.

And since 2018 I’m trying to make it a reality with the /e/ project at 🙂

Leaving Apple and Google: a message to /e/ users and supporters!

This is the end of 2018, and this year has been incredible.

By the end of 2017, I posted a few messages here about my quest for more data privacy, and corresponding plans to “Leave Apple and Google”. At this time, I thought I would just customize an Android ROM a bit and that it would be enough for my use and a few others…

Continue reading “Leaving Apple and Google: a message to /e/ users and supporters!”

Quick updates about /e/ !

We have released /e/ first beta one month ago, and we already have delivered more than 1,000 test accounts…

We have also opened a new “community” website with lots of contents and forum at – join now!

And a new “crowdfunding” reward for more storage.

Read our latest newsletter below (in several languages):

Leaving Apple & Google: /e/ first beta, 1000 test accounts (!), new community forums, new reward…


EU fines Google 4.3Bn€ for Android monopoly, and it’s a good thing.

Today, we learned that the European Union has fined Google a record amount of 4.3Bn€, for illegal practises with their Android smartphone operating system.

In particular, Android is shipping pre-installed with the Google Chrome web-browser pre-installed by default, and Google search enabled by default, on every Android device. Continue reading “EU fines Google 4.3Bn€ for Android monopoly, and it’s a good thing.”