Why Murena, the Next-Gen Privacy Tech Maker, is “Crowd-Fundraising”

Murena, the company that develops advanced privacy-focused technology including a pro-privacy mobile operating system /e/OS and digital workspace, is fundraising using a crowdfunding platform.

The funding operation is going pretty well, as we have reached the initial funding target in just a few hours, and we can reasonably expect to raise between 700K€ and 1M€ by the end of the campaign…

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Utilisateurs de smartphones : Vous êtes surveillés ! Comment protéger vos vies personnelles et professionnelles pour vous prémunir du viol numérique.

À l’ère numérique actuelle, la vie privée est un luxe que peu peuvent se permettre. Nos smartphones sont devenus les yeux et les oreilles de forces invisibles. Des géants de la technologie aux entités douteuses, chacun de nos mouvements est suivi, enregistré et vendu. Être suivi n’est pas seulement une préoccupation abstraite – cela a des conséquences réelles et tangibles…

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Smartphone users: You are Being Watched! Protect Your personal and professional lives to avoid digital rape.

[Version en Français ici] In today’s digital age, privacy is a luxury few can afford. Our smartphones have become the eyes and ears of unseen forces. From tech giants to shady entities, our every move is tracked, recorded, and sold. Being tracked isn’t just an abstract concern—it has real, tangible consequences…

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Driving into the Absurd: Imagining a Smartphone-esque Auto Industry

Imagine stepping into a world where the automotive industry has taken a wild turn, mirroring the smartphone market’s quirks and monopolies. Welcome to the whimsical yet thought-provoking universe of CarGoo, where cars and tech collide in the most unexpected ways. Let’s buckle up and navigate through this alternate reality, where the road less traveled is about to get a lot more exclusive…

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Live now! Murena 2 with /e/OS… and a very unique feature

The Murena 2: A Pioneering Step in Mobile Privacy

Switch your privacy on with the Murena 2

In today’s digital age, privacy has become a paramount concern for many. With tech giants constantly under scrutiny for potential breaches and misuse of user data, the demand for devices that prioritize user privacy is on the rise. Enter the Murena 2, a groundbreaking mobile device that promises to redefine the standards of user privacy.

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Ready? Murena 2 with /e/OS! (EN+DE+FR+ES+IT)

[EN] Tomorrow, your phone will no longer spy on you! Stay tuned and #SwitchYourPrivacyOn. ? Sign up on #Kickstarter and be the first to be notified: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/murena/murena-2-switch-your-privacy-on

[DE] Morgen wird dein Telefon dich nicht mehr ausspionieren! Bleib dran und #SchalteDeinePrivatsphäreEin. ? Registriere dich auf #Kickstarter und sei der Erste, der benachrichtigt wird: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/murena/murena-2-switch-your-privacy-on  

[FR] Demain, votre téléphone ne vous espionnera plus! Restez à l’écoute et #ActivezVotreViePrivée. ? Inscrivez-vous sur #Kickstarter et soyez le premier à être notifié: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/murena/murena-2-switch-your-privacy-on  

[ES] Mañana tu teléfono ya no te espiará! Mantente sintonizado y #ActivaTuPrivacidad. ? Regístrate en #Kickstarter y sé el primero en recibir notificaciones: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/murena/murena-2-switch-your-privacy-on  

[IT] Domani il tuo telefono non ti spierà più! Resta sintonizzato e #AttivaLaTuaPrivacy. ? Registrati su #Kickstarter e sarai il primo a essere notificato: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/murena/murena-2-switch-your-privacy-on

Murena Fairphone 4 is now available in the USA – with deGoogled and privacy-safe /e/OS

Unleash the power of privacy with the Murena Fairphone 4! This remarkable device is a fusion of unparalleled repairability and privacy, designed to cater to the discerning tech enthusiast.

The Murena Fairphone 4 stands as a fortress against data intrusion, ensuring that no data is sent to Google, no user logs are collected, and trackers in your apps are cut off.

This isn’t just a phone, it’s a commitment to a long-term relationship. The Murena Fairphone 4 is built to last, ensuring you’ll enjoy its features and benefits for years to come.

Great news for our US friends – it’s now available in the USA!

Ready to embrace the future of privacy? Get your Murena Fairphone 4 today: https://murena.com/shop/

Murena Fairphone 4 now available in the USA – with /e/OS

Discover more about the /e/OS: https://e.foundation/e-os/

Enhancing Your Privacy with Encrypted Emails on /e/OS

In today’s digital age, securing personal data has become paramount. As users, we need to take into account the platforms and tools we use regularly. /e/OS is the open-source mobile operating system focused on privacy, that has emerged as a noteworthy solution to this challenge. This post is a comprehensive guide on how to utilize encrypted emails in /e/OS to bolster your digital privacy.

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Will the European Cyber Resilience Act kill Open Source Software?

The European Union’s proposed Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) aims to bolster cybersecurity across the continent. However, it has sparked significant concern within the open source software community. Critics argue that the CRA could impose increased legal and financial responsibilities on open source contributors, potentially stifling innovation and damaging the open source ecosystem. Furthermore, the legislation’s vulnerability disclosure requirements could inadvertently expose software vulnerabilities to a larger audience, increasing the risk of malicious exploitation. This article delves into the potential implications of the CRA for open source software and the broader digital landscape in Europe.

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Declaration of Duties of Man and Citizen.

Let’s work together for a better world?

Introducing the Declaration of Duties of Man and Citizen, a complementary document to the Declaration of Human Rights, emphasizing our responsibilities and obligations.

#DeclarationOfDuties #HumanRights #responsibility #GPT4

Article 1: All human beings have the duty to respect the dignity, freedom, and equality of their fellow human beings, without distinction of race, sex, religion, or social origin.

Continue reading “Declaration of Duties of Man and Citizen.”