Google abuse of dominant position: some facts about the Google Android operating system and personal data collection.

This is the first draft of a collection of facts about what happens in the Google Android operating system in term of permanent personal data collection. This has been found while working on /e/OS the mobile OS in which we actually try to address those issues. Please contribute if you know about other facts, or if you think something is wrong:

Continue reading “Google abuse of dominant position: some facts about the Google Android operating system and personal data collection.”

An /e/ Summer update: smartphones for sale, applications, PWAs & next steps

At the end of 2017, the /e/ project was unveiled in a series of articles entitled “Leaving Apple & Google: my (/e/) Odyssey” (Part1, Part2, Part3), with a clear promise: making a fully unGoogled and ready-to-use mobile operating system and online services, yet compatible with Android applications…

Continue reading “An /e/ Summer update: smartphones for sale, applications, PWAs & next steps”

Leaving Apple and Google: a message to /e/ users and supporters!

This is the end of 2018, and this year has been incredible.

By the end of 2017, I posted a few messages here about my quest for more data privacy, and corresponding plans to “Leave Apple and Google”. At this time, I thought I would just customize an Android ROM a bit and that it would be enough for my use and a few others…

Continue reading “Leaving Apple and Google: a message to /e/ users and supporters!”

eelo is more than tech, it’s a societal project for Freedom and Democracy

As Lawrence Lessig explained on January, 1st 2000, Code is Law!

Computer systems, and more specifically software and data networks, have been driving the way the world has evolved recently. Software is now everywhere: in cars, trains and planes, in your house, in businesses and in industry…. Continue reading “eelo is more than tech, it’s a societal project for Freedom and Democracy”

An open letter to Elon Musk, from eelo founder


Dear Elon,

Since the 90s, you have been a world changer with great projects like Paypal, SpaceX, Tesla, Hyperloop and OpenAI. And I’ve noticed you have released Tesla patents into the public domain, and have open-sourced the Hyperloop and OpenAI projects.

Behind your projects, I sense a single course of action: empowering people, while making the world better…

Today, the digital giants are massively abusing individual and corporate data planet-wide, for the single purpose of fueling their businesses. Worse, this is installing a global surveillance system controlled by a small group of people. In the long run, this situation even threatens democracy.

Continue reading “An open letter to Elon Musk, from eelo founder”