2020 and the minority spreading hate and fake news

At the age of 12, as my computer knowledge was notably increasing, I remember I’ve eventually been shocked to read something totally wrong in a magazine. Someone wrote something that was factually false.

This made me realize that until this date, I used to think that everything that was written in a book or a magazine was true. Just because it was written.

Continue reading “2020 and the minority spreading hate and fake news”

More demo contents about /e/ OS!

Now that /e/OS, the fully unGoogled and pro-privacy mobile OS is approaching a V1 release, it’s time to unveil a little bit more how it feels using it!

So we are starting a series of videos to show what’s in the OS, how to configure it…

This week we start with the “first use wizard”!

The /e/ Google-free, pro-privacy Android clone is now available

“Linux pioneer Gaël Duval’s /e/ OS is still in beta but it’s available for your smartphone or on refurbished Samsung smartphones.”

” I’m impressed by Duval’s privacy-first approach, which builds on the existing successful Android platform. Instead of trying to replace it, he’s making the best of it. I think with privacy being more of a concern for users and hardware vendors looking for Google-free operating systems, /e/ may be successful where so many others have failed.”


An /e/ Summer update: smartphones for sale, applications, PWAs & next steps

At the end of 2017, the /e/ project was unveiled in a series of articles entitled “Leaving Apple & Google: my (/e/) Odyssey” (Part1, Part2, Part3), with a clear promise: making a fully unGoogled and ready-to-use mobile operating system and online services, yet compatible with Android applications…

Continue reading “An /e/ Summer update: smartphones for sale, applications, PWAs & next steps”

Huawei and other mobile “tech giants”: you should (really) break free from Google/Android

In short: Google-free Android, progressive web apps: there is a big opportunity in the mobile world for market disruption.

Today we learned that Huawei won’t be able to ship Android any more on their smartphones, with likely severe consequences for their mobile device business.

Continue reading “Huawei and other mobile “tech giants”: you should (really) break free from Google/Android”

First smartphone with /e/ OS!

After a lilttle than 1 year of hard work, I’m very proud to announce that the first fully ungoogled Android smartphone on the market will be ready to ship in next June!

This will be high-grade refurbished smartphones, in limited quantities, so don’t wait to register!

Read all the details online here.