Videoconferencing is on the rise worldwide with the COVID-19 crisis. But did you know that most videoconferencing software is NOT offering any guarantee about your privacy?
Even some nice open source software such as Jitsi is relying on some Google services.
So we did the effort to fully unGoogle a Jitsi setup, and it’s now available online on a 600Mbps link at visio.ecloud.global.
100% Free
100% Open Source
100% Privacy
And it’s super easy to use, try it now!
Any plans to release the degoogling script for those who want to install it on a home server?
What did you do to “ungoogle” it ? The standard, base install doesn’t rely on any Google services IIRC.
Well, the service fails to access camera in Chrome 81. And it doesn’t even try, though I permitted camera and microphone explicitly in site preferences.
Yes it does, for instance Google STUN servers
I tried the visio.ecloud.global link.
Gave my “channel” a name.
Saved the link as a bookmark.
Now I can easily share the link (+password) to anyone I want to have an online meeting with. Super easy!
I imagine it will have many possibilities for anyone being keen on privacy. Thanks a lot!
the link cant open .